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I know I say this every time but why do they think the solution is to shut the Roundhill Tunnel? Every time. It just gridlocks all of the other routes into town and subsequently the entire town itself.
They say it's to avoid people getting stuck in said tunnel along with the fumes and the problems that would cause. If it's going to keep happening then I think it needs some intelligent traffic lights to make sure that the traffic never gets backed up to that point.
Was going to visit William Harvey today but noped out at Cheriton and turned around, using Crete Road West to get back to the Alkham Valley (and there were traffic lights for roadworks on the A20 on the way to Crete Road). A massive inconvenient detour on a crappy road but still quicker than getting turned off at the tunnel I reckon. Almost two hours to Cheriton and back.
Fed up with this. Lucky I'm off work at the moment.
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