This is really a plea for equality on DoverForum. There are a substantial number of photos and postings about trains, boats and planes and even footie and rugger on this website. This is all very boyish or macho stuff indeed and I for one find it really enjoyable.
But, what about something for the girls? Why are there no pictures of washing machines, hoovers, knitting needles, garden fences to chat over etc., shown on here?
Is there a culture of male orientation being perpetrated serrupticiously without our realising it?
So, in order to redress this imbalance I have decided to wage a small equality campaign and begin with some items of interest purely for the ladies:
I tried very hard to find a picture that had a sexy guy posing with a washing machine, but there are none on the interweb it seems. Maybe there is a gap here for the marketing gurus to exploit?
Just an interesting shot of some needles and a ball of wool. Fascinating, but what happens next?
A priceless photo of two, yes, that's two hoovers. How lucky I was to find this for the girls.
This posting just keeps getting better as we now have a photo of the true women's hero. The man who invented the hoover, yes, it's none other than the great man himself, Herbert Hoover!
Finally, as I know this posting will generate much conversation, a picture of a typical garden fence. Just imagine how exhilarating it must be to find oneself in the garden hanging out the freshly washed knitted socks and espying the neighbour doing the self same thing. What could be better than discussing the merits of needle size as well as the husbands dinner options over this piece of garden furniture?
Well, that's all for now, but you can look forward to an exciting discussion on cake decorating and removing wine stains from carpets in the next thrilling instalment.