I know not too many people are terribly interested in this thread but oi'll soldier on regardless for me own amusement. The great coverage continues on ITV4...and its thrilling for us afficionadoes of the racing motorcycle. Blistering speeds next to stone walls and over hump back bridges that make the bikes squirm and the riders...well their tough enough to take it.
I suppose you could say the glory days of the TT are over. Too many deaths, the loss of Grand Prix status and so on, knobbled its appeal to an extent...but nevertheless the top racing teams still go there with specialist riders because the publicity derived from winning there is still big big big. But I remember the days, a fair time ago now, of Mike Hailwood and Giacomo Agostini, two of the greatest racers the world has ever seen, battle it out on those old days of black and white television.What a spectacle...even in black and white. Never to be surpassed...not now.
here are a few more pictures...
go get 'em floyd!