My final missive on the TT Races. Last night saw the final big race ..the Senior TT. Unfortunately half way though yours truly lost picture. The reception is bad where I am..its there one minute and gone the next. It breaks up into highly coloured boxes and dies slowly. Third world stuff! To say its frustrating and annoying is an understatement...right in there at the heat of the event.
"Oh Cripes!" said I spitting feathers! as I looked around for a stray dog to kick!
However my picture stayed with me long enough to hear Craig Doyle's interwiew with commentating legend Murray Walker. He was asked which was the greatest race ever..and lo and behold, and I was very pleased to see I was in harmony with the great man of the mike, as he said the greatest race was the one I referred to above on these very pages ( post 4) between Mike Hailwood and Giacomo 'Ago' Agostini. So there , you heard it here first. My finger is on the pulse!!