The post you are reporting:
In answer to your latest "question" I guess, for starters, the money for funding any increase in spending will be obtained by leaving your friends in the EU. Our contributions to the EU including indirect costs associated with "red tape" amount to £120 Billion a year. ( latest estimate )
The independant group " Open Europe " estimate that these costs will increase to £356 billion by 2018. ( a lower estimate than UKIP`s but nevertheless "independant" ) Therefore, as soon as we start to get rid of the majority of the 120,000 EU directives and regulations currently in force in the UK the better.
With regard to the voting question, I have to say that to my shame, I didn`t bother. I was of an age where I wasn`t particularly bothered in politics as I incorrectly assumed, like a lot of people, that those in charge know best and will only do what`s best for our country. How wrong I was!
Marek, I have to ask.........are these genuine questions, or just designed to P*** off Vic by not using the original UKIP thread?