The point is Bern that he is making this forum a laughing stock whereas it has in the past been a well respected forum. A joke is a joke but he takes it far beyond what is funny. We live in Dover for heavens sake - that is how it is spelt - and will always be spelt.
No we should not ban people with afflictions or strong views, provided they respect this facility that Paul has given us. He is not doing that, he is sticking two fingers up at anyone who doesn't go along with his daft ideas and it gets very tiring and irritating.
No Bern, you are not a "silly old pacifist" at all - you are a very kind hearted person who likes to see fair play and I admire you for that, but trust me - there are an awful lot of people who no longer enjoy this forum because of this man. I've been a part of Dover Forum since the beginning when Rick and Paul were together so it means a lot to me to be part of our little club, but if he carries on with this stupidity then I won't be a part of it. I know these pages would be no worse off without me, but I fear I'm not the only one who will go. For Pauls sake and for our sanity I really hope this will all stop soon.
I feel very sad right now about the whole thing, thank you Mr Matcham