Barry again that last post of yours, shows that you know nothing about how the others live.Some of the public can work and work till they drop and on poor pay and find it very hard just to keep their familys in food e,t,c and can not even think about saving for years aheadand how about the 1000s who lost their works pension,you forget about the very big debt the blues left last time they were in power.
The way most of your posts are put,it looks like you are talking down to the rest of us,all you see is blue after blue you never see it from both sides,and even with my bad legs come out with me for one day of hard work and see who is still standing at the end of it. Then add 50years to it working 6 or even seven days aweek at 12hours aday and that is what alot of the public are doing,and see at the age of 65 you can keep going .It is easy to just sit there talking about it but doing it is not the same.