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I agree with PaulB ,Nigel appears to rely very heavily on his friends at the Dover Express for his publicity.I have nothing against Nigel personally in fact he is a dam nice chap,if a bit misguided,but he does need to raise his profile in the same way that Charlie boy had to when selected as the prospective parliamentary candidate for Dover & Deal.He has ventured out and about and got his face known.
I, for one am unsure how Nigel feels about the location of the poly clinic.
I don't know whether he was involved in the decision that traffic exiting the new ASDa (as and when built) will all be directed down Dovers prettiest road,Castle St before winding its way through the Market Sq past the Firkin and upto the traffics lights at York St.
I don't know how he explains the non activity on the DTZ site
or the non action over rebuilding the Crypt or the rejection of business proposals to rebuild the whole DTIZ area by an outside consortium.
his feelings on car parking fees,the loss of benches/seating in the town.
By the way I don't just think that this applies to him but to most politicians but wouldn't it be nice if any of them said
1. abolish car parking charges at weekends to encourage business and visitors
2.All shops left empty to be made good with a window display
3.weekend market to be introduced and encouraged
4.police to patrol Market Sq at weekends
5.poly clinic good for town centre
6 More benches to be introduced to the pedestrian part of town
7.gate to be closed to prevent traffic entering the pedestrian High St after 9am until 6pm
8.the old B&Q to become temp skating rink until buyer found
Just some Utopian dream like thoughts that will never reach fruition but isn't it so frustrating when we are offered something like the TV screen that all the objectors who mainly live out of town are against it.
eee lad I could go on but won't ...
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