Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I am no longer a Cllr at River and not doing anymore events in the town this year, I do have alot of work on at this time and found it all to much for me I am a o.l.p. now.
Anyway I am going to have some time out with my wife but next year I am to get fit again and hope to do a walk backwards for a charity.
About 30years ago I done runing and walking backwards for geting funding for the Dovor Boxing club and others to, the most I have ever done is 47miles backwards in one go most of that was runing but this time it will be walking only to old for runing now, but I am still hopeing to do over 50miles this will be done along our own sea front, one mile forward and one mile backwards, it will be for local good causes, but I will need help tp put this on.
Vic Matcham
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
2 questions here.
why are you not a counsellor anymore?
am i correct in thinking that the last time you walked backwards, was down the alkam valley road, and that you got arrested?
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
You are right about the Alkam Valley that was all about speeding and trying to get speed limits along the Valley we do now have speed limits along the Valley I would like to think that doing what I done that day did help with that but I was not on my own that day walking with me was Mr C Precious,Mr I smith it was his Daughter who was killed and we are still working with each other on the I/Grain they were walking forwards and I was doing it backwards the police banned the protest walk but we went ahead with it anyway there was about six of us and we were stopped by Sgt Sue Tayor and POLICE Inspector Rick Roddy, they tpld us the possible consequence of our actions and was advised that every-one taking part was liable to be arrested if the traffic was disrupted, also I was warning from the D.T.C. reminding me or the code of conduct of a town councillor which I signed.
But we still went ahead with it about two weeks after that I done a bike ride along the Valley it was to be for 12hrs but I was on my own and after about 6hours a women in her car hit me and me and my bike went down a bank and she did not stop but I could not ride my bike it had to repaired must Cris and myself went around all the houes in the Valley puting posters in all the door thge heading of the posters was STOP .THE SLAUGHTER we had no funding for this so paid for it ourselfs, at that time Mr PRECIOUS was a great help to me not only with that but others projects aswell.
Vic Matcham
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
in short victor, you are right, the road is too narrow for the speed of the traffic.
i am genuinely surprised and pleased that there have been no further fatalities.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I am sorry to say there has been further fatalities along that road 3 this year and they are not the only ones
Still more needs to be done I go along there about 0430hrs each morning and again about 1900hrs at night and they still speed along there but not so much.
Vic Matcham
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Whilst I appreciate your views on this road and a number of agencies, locals are trying to get even more improvements, it was irresponsible to alk backwards on this road putting yourself and other road users in danger, and at that time as a cllr you probably should have showed better leadership.
You can always find ways of making a point and gaining media coverage if thats the aim, to put yourself and others in danger i'm afraid I cannot go along with.
good luck with walk on seafront far more sensible