Thnaks Terry, I managed to get a feature in Health News ahead of the marathon, don't know if you saw it, hopefully they might do another one for me now I've done it.
Hi Maggie,
The loo situation wasn't anything like as bad as it looked on the TV, there were so many loos the queues went down really quickly. The walk to get there was definitely a challenge though, it seemed to go on forever from Greenwich station with a big hill thrown in. I don't think that helped. Even worse was the walk to Charing Cross station afterwards, it's only a short distance but felt like the longest and hardest walk I've ever done!
But I just found out I DID beat Katie Price and Peter Andre, and by 10 minutes! Apart from finishing that was my main ambition for the race.
I have decided I'm doing it again so I can beat my time and hopefully have an injury-free training programme, but probably not until at least 2011! It's a bit like childbirth you need time to forget the pain before going through it again!