I went to the Dover Harbour Board meeting tonight as I said i would, But No Gwyn Prosser, (Labour) no John Brigden.(Lib Dem) and no Charlie Elphicke (Conservative) your new MP. All of them saying before the election no to selling off the port.
Dover Express May6th 2010, This time all the prominent candidates for the Dover seat have opposed plans to privatise the port,but not one there tonight before the election all 3 of them went to all the meetings with the D.H.B.I told you all then all they done it for was to get your votes and it worked but your MP has all ready let you down.
I asked at the meeting "Would the sell of the port go ahead even with the new goverment,?
We was told there are no plans to stop it and at this time the sell would go ahead and they hope it would all be done by 2011/2012,and that all the work for the Ferry Terminal would be done by 2020.
I also asked would there be apay off to the Board members if they went with the sell off,we were told that there would be some payment in place for some of them but not all.
I also asked would the sell off go ahead even if the buyer would not agree with the Trust being part of the sell,we were told that the D,H.B. would look at all the bids on their own merit.
I also asked what was the selling price of the port,because I was made to understand it was going for just £400million, but I had a valuation done, and was told it should be beween £1.5 Billion and £2billion, we was told that the valuation has not been done yet ,it will happen in the open market at the time of the sell.
I will be doing more on the meeting at a later date,but just to say that UKIP are still saying no sell off at the port of Dover.
This goverment just like the old one will let the port be sold off.
We were toldthat the goverment could stop it but they think that will not happen.
After the meeting I had more words with some of the DHB exectives,I asked them "If the sell went ahead with the trust for Dover put on it,that the D.D.C. should not run the trust, but be run by a independent board so that all the funds go out to all the groups fairly.
Again I feel that we have been let down and will have no say .