This is always an interesting discussion point. There are few people outside no10, who dont expect a Conservative win at the next election. There is also likely to be one of the biggest clear-outs of sitting MPs for generations. This will have been brought about by a number of factors, natural wastage, ruling party change and a clear out from the expense scandal .
So what will the new intake of Conservaive MPs be like? What will their attitudes be? It is these who, possibly for two or more parliamentary terms will determine the direction of this country, so what can we expect.
They will be more 'localist' in attitude.
They will be much more pro-Defence.
They will be very Eurosceptic.
And what else.....
Here is a Guardian report based on a survey of likely new Conservative MPs to give more of a flavour of what you can expect.
Personally I am very much with the mainstream opinion in this poll, but with one exception, I am against road pricing.
My main hope, apart from sorting out the economic problems with a huge reduction in the role the State plays in our lives, is for a much more sensible Defence policy. That is the only department that deserves a significant spending increase instead of a cut.