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Well DT1, we've had BOTH houses for centuries and they have, in their unique way, served the nation very well. What's that maxim? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I don't subscribe to getting rid of everything because we can and it is old and outdated. Change needs to be fully justified and planned before it gets my support.
A quick think about devolution will tell anyone with half a brain that changing something to suit a political vote puller isn't necessarily a good thing, particularly when done badly. I would prefer to see our legislature focus on putting right the wrongs and inequalities of the devolution bills before taking an axe to sometihng else. When I have the same rights as the Scots, and to some extent the Welsh and Northern Irish, I will happily sit down and consider how best to deal with a second chamber, if there is to be one.
We should also remember, this is meant to be the UNITED Kingdom, not 4 republics! For the others, their strength and security has only been acheive through being united with the English. Unpalatible for seccesionists, but true nevertheless.