The post you are reporting:
Sid, hardly a witch hunt, but surely an ideal time to see whether the present system is still 'fit for purpose'.
Years ago it was only those with a private income who could afford to go into parliament and rightly this has changed. I fail to see however, especially when the salary and expenses have become a 'nice little earner' for many, rather than a recompense for lost earnings, we need so many of the little darlings.
I consider this especially relevant when so many of our laws and regulations are directed (correctly in my view) from Brussels.
Small government is good government. The flood of legislation from parliament, all well meaning, telling me what I can do, who I can employ, how I have to build, where (and what!)I can smoke, what I can't say, what my children are taught etc. etc. is getting beyond a joke and stifling both enterprise and freedom.
In my own profession, teaching, countless hours are wasted checking that the minutiae of the regulations have been adhered to rather than teaching the little buggers. I suspect that colleagues in the countries which my students will be in direct competition with when they are adults, China, India and so on, are not restrained by such officious crap.
I would honestly like to see a written constitution both guaranteeing my rights as a citizen and putting a limit on the legislature's powers over me.
Your defence of the present system, which I suspect most educated people in the civilized world view as an harmless amusing anachronism along with the Royal Family, reminds me of the saying about the NYPD, that they were the best police force money could buy.