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I think we've touched this subject in the past. I am a firm believer that the high street is dead, and the current state of the shopping experience as a "going out" experience is only a matter of a few generations away from vanishing forever. Well, maybe it won't vanish, but it will certainly change beyond recognition as it learns to keep up with online trends.
As a shopping location, Dover is lame and hopeless in the extreme. There is nothing, except the odd magazine, that I can buy in this town. The shop I used most was Woolworths, now gone, but I loved looking through the DVD stands. Then there was Blockbuster for all my movie rentals, but even this has been beaten senseless by
The internet is the future of shopping, plain and simple. Big supermarkets and clothes shops will always survive because of the nature of what they are, but everything else needs to look ahead and get with the program!
And it's no use crying about what a shame it all is. As I always say, the high street is in a poor state for one reason alone - WE choose where WE want to shop!