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I agree that was good service Barry and I must agree with Phil that when I've shopped in Argos, I've never had a problem.
Howard, Allan Hughes (opposite the 8 Bells) sells a lot of quality "casual" clothes, very little "Lodge" items; there's also Burtons, although this seems to be more for young blokes and don't forget Phillips and Drew and of course M & S.
Most High Streets are made up of independant businesses, who have put their money, time and life into running their own businesses.
High Street, National chains will close a branch if it isn't selling enough.
Every one moans about the (metaphorical) holes appearing in our High Streets, but you can't wonder at it, if no one shops in them.
I agree that maybe the face of the High Street has to change, but that won't be done if they all think "what's the point ?", if they have a death sentence anyway.
There needs to be a support body NOW instead of leaving all the businesses on their own to flounder in this recession and in good times too of course.
Many things can be done to make our Town look better, but if increasing numbers of people aren't going to come into Town, there won't even be coffee shops to sit and chat in.
I know it sounds like an old record, but shop local if you want to keep your High Street - it can work, but it needs you there.