Following the G20 demo in London we have heard nothing but condemnation for the role of the police in the whole sorry affair. We had that chap dying, possibly as a result of being pushed over, but we will never know for sure. We had the girl given a backhander, who has since sold her story to the newspapers, and now we have a third incident where a demonstrator was clobbered by a Police riot shield.
But I am saddened however the way the whole nation, led of course by the newspapers, has suddenly become over senstive re the role of the Police at these events...what do people expect? They are human. They are in a very difficult situation. People are abusing them, spitting at them, kicking them, very often throwing bricks and bottles at them, so is it any wonder that one or two of them get fractious in some cases. The on-the-job stress is enormous.
Now we have the unfortunate situation where some of the police are to be held up to very serious account for events that happen so fast in the heat of the moment...what were they the Police doing, just protecting peace and property at the behest of all of us.
Enter from the wings one Max Clifford...who as we all know is quick to raise a sleazy buck over every sleazy situation, and this time has managed to secure a deal worth a fortune for the girl that was backhanded. Young attrative and backhanded, the result=easy money. The upshot of all this sudden earnings power will clearly be that everyone else will try it on in future. In fact they are all coming out of the woodwork as we speak re the G20, claiming this that and the other in the hope of making a fast buck, this new phenomenon is already under way.
Sheesh! Who'd be a Policeman?