The post you are reporting:
Andy I respect your belief's as I am sure you do mine. You may also have noticed that our beloved leader also comes in for some German style job titles; it's harmless fun. As for You Kip, well, I am rather happy to say I like using that phrase to describe a party that only appears to come to any sort of life when there is an election, and then only to beat the same old "let's get out of Europe drum" at that.
Now, thanks to Vic, Forumites know there is more to UKIP than just ant-Euro thinking, but, in the great scheme of things, Joe Public is probably competely unaware. Hence the miserable voting figures nationally.
As for me being antagonistic, I happily admit it. All you political types need to have your foundations shaken in any way possible if we, the great mass of nobodies, aka the electorate, are to get to the real truth, or even close to it. I will continue to be antagonistic towards any of our local politicos, and quite often the national ones too. If any of them, including you, want the quiet life and nodding acceptance of all you propose, say and do politically, you won't get it from me.
However, I hope you understand my haranguing of politicos and authority in general doesn't mean I am against anyone personally and, in my mind at least, I like to think I am on reasonable terms socially with those I may bait from time to time in politics. It is important to maintain seperation methinks.