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You're a great guy too Roger and there is no doubt of your good nature. Pretty dodgy ground here though talking about Mrs Thatcher and social conscience, the two are incongruent. The reason SHE got too bossy and SHE would not listen is because SHE was only interested in what SHE thought. Which is why SHE was pushed. She was interested in the conscience of the individual (herself) Her inability to listen and work with others is ironically just a microcosm of what she promoted the 'individuals' of this country to do. However this selfish attitude generally leads to the shafter being shafted!
Social conscience is by very definition the 'shared conscience' the ideas shared by society. If a society, for instance, believes that ill people should be looked after or educated regardless of income, then society must provide this. Mrs T strongly promoted the opposite suggesting if someone is homeless, "they should not cast their problem on society....they should look to themselves first" Right so someone who lost their job in a country high unemployment will magic up a house for his family from where exactly?
You have mentioned before Roger that you grew up in a council house, I'm sure this wasn't because your parents were lazy or down and outs, but because it was something that they could afford. It didn't make you live in a council house, or keep you on the social 'gravy train'. Well there are still families out there like yours Roger, with children that could also do well for themselves. However there's no bloody houses for these people, they were sold off and never replaced, because SHE didn't want people being dependant (in any way) on the state. Instead they are at the hands of 'individuals', landlords that are not prepared to listen through stubborness and greed. Allowing people to live in conditions that are substandard (of course this can only be defined by society as substandard and not by the landlord looking to his own 'individual' definition).
By what you say Roger you were employed through this period and clearly a good job in the private sector. Why would her decisions be anything other than good for you. However it she had been in power when you where growing up in your council house perhaps your view would change. Proving there is nothing social about how Mrs T is viewed. The country may have gained financially, although north sea oil may well have helped any government, but did we gain socially? Obviously not, just some people did as individuals.