Does anyone get the feeling that the national trust are collectively in need of medical help in the head department? What an odd bunch they are.
I remember a few years ago they gave their employees a day off in order that they could spend time at home making their house, erm you know, carbon neutral. This would consist of replacing rising sea levels and polar bear murdering light bulbs and going to the diy shop in order to buy insulation for the loft. No doubt on the way they could stock up in the nearest health shop and buy a years supply of tofu burgers and environmentally sound muesli.
So the National trust is complaining about wind farms on their land. Out of place they say amongst other reasons.
Which brings me back to my original question. Are they all mad, deluded or merely terminally stupid? I pose this one after reading their propaganda from their website below.
Or maybe they just don't do irony?