Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
Ive had this letter in from Archbishop Dick of York....
I hope Mr Boland that you will publish my letter. I am very aghast. Being a traditionalist I voted against this outrage. Did you see a woman amongst the apostles, did you see a woman in Leonardo's Last Supper, has a woman ever parted the Red Sea...No.
Dont get me wrong Mr Boland, I like women. I like the sturdy types with blue hair and full boosoms..and good stout legs. Experience tells me that these are the types that can keep going in the kitchen long after the rest of us have collapsed. Well, all those Garden Fete's can be very tiring as they go on all day and all summer. On those occasions we need lots of pots of tea, and simply oodles and oodles of little dainty cucumber sandwiches, and the women do such a good job in this in York they do such a lovely line in tri-angular shaped cucumber sandwiches.
I dont mind telling you Mr Boland that I am very worried....make a woman a Bishop and pretty soon their positions will be so lofty, women that is, that none of them will make the tea and sandwiches evermore...nor clean up afterwards neither. Mark my words this is the thin end of the wedge!
It could be the end of my fundraisers...
Dick of York "
Guest 677- Registered: 8 Jul 2008
- Posts: 150
Oh my God!! please tell me that man wasn't serious
. Did he ask you to post the letter to spark off a debate cos I gotta tell you as soon as I read it I felt honour bound as a woman (full boosoms and all) to respond to such a patronising diatribe. Did you send a response Paul? Did you tell him that Leonardo did paint a woman in his last supper, and that if the latest documentaries and books are to be believed (and no I'm not talking about the Da Vinci Code) Mary Magdelene was supposed to found the church and was considered to be every bit an apsotle as the men. I'm no expert on theology I just needed to respond to such a blatently patronising and sexist letter. He asks who will clean up after fetes if the women become bishops, I've got the perfect answer involving him getting up off his pompous rump but I feel it might offend his delicate sensibilities.
I'm sure this man will never change his view point I just hope that he is in the minority I think the best thing for the church would be to have women bishops.
It's not the man in my life, its the life in my man!!
Dick of York has considerable courage Paul of takes great strength of character to retain the full on sexist mantra despite fearsome, bosom-swelling blue rinsed opposition. Women Bishops? Whatever next........? Women Prime Ministers...?
Guest 644- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,214
Steff, I think you'll find find that Mr Boland has been receiving letters through time.
Indeed, this letter appears to be addressed from Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, who died in 1460. Obviously he wrote his letter to Paul Boland during a campaign during the Hundred Years War and sealed it in a pot buried beneath Constables Gate. Using remarkable foresight he predicted a time when women bishops would be ordained and addressed it, in a remarkable prediction of our vernacular, to our editor awaiting his birth and the invention of the internet.
As for our editor, the thought of nuns dispensing ecclesiastical discipline obviously excites him too much. He just can't kick the habit.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
What a mess the church is getting itself into, likely to split the church.
The bible can be read in may different way to make it sound one side that only men should take up these posts
yet in another part it says every on should be treated equally
This is not a strong subject of mine as i was put through the catholic schools/churches and im afraid it didnt inspire me at all.
but thats another story,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Guest 677- Registered: 8 Jul 2008
- Posts: 150
Phil, Ah of course that explains everything, how foolish of me not to have realised. I've always known that 15th century technology is cutting edge, (it's the aliens you know!!) Actually speaking of aliens there was a documentary on the discovery channel about aliens creating the human race as we know it. Maybe Dick of York should have watched that, if that gains a following then women bishops will be the least of his worries.
It's not the man in my life, its the life in my man!!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i have no problem with women bishops
so long as my dinner is on the table, clothes ironed and washing up done.
i like to think of myself as a new man.
Guest 677- Registered: 8 Jul 2008
- Posts: 150
You may think that but I couldn't possibly comment. (Well I could and usually do at length, but it's late so I'm going to let that one pass, just this once.)
It's not the man in my life, its the life in my man!!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i think that paul has opened a can of worms here.
it seems clear from the posts, that most think that the top jobs should be left in the safe hands of the male gender.
except for the queen(of course), that should always be the preserve of a lady, alternatively a man with cropped hair and a brush moustache.
Guest 677- Registered: 8 Jul 2008
- Posts: 150
Apparently I'm the only one to put the woman's point of view at this moment but I don't think it is fair to say that most think that the top jobs should be left in the hands of men. We haven't had too many examples of women in top jobs to be able to say who's better so I think maybe more women should take up this challenge to stop this awful generalisation.
It's not the man in my life, its the life in my man!!
The world is such a cuddly, fluffy place full of altruists and kindness, violence is a thing of the past, men and women girls and boys share space comfortably and babies have two parents. Oh, sorry, we still have mostly men in charge so that cannot be......ah, yes, it's all coming back, the men are still in control and violence and horridness is endemic..................bring on the matriarchs!!!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
quite right bern, the halcyon days of simpering maggie, the sweet goda meir, that one woman that had a thousand shoes, the list is endless.
i nearly forgot that eva peron, even mada a musical about herself.
Guest 644- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,214
Don't forget Servalan from Blakes 7. Wouldn't want to tangle with her.
Well, not these days anyway.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
on the plus side, she would probably not nick the town centre seats, or pick on nigel.
these things tend to balance themselves out.