The post you are reporting:
Ross, what conditions are you talking about that prevail in the Police Force, that make it necessary to have a Pagan, Muslim, Christian or whatever section.
Other bodies (solicitors, teachers, the armed forces (please tell me they don't) plumbers, town clerks, chief executives etc.) don't need a Muslim or Christian section, or a gay, black, or lesbian section, so why does the Police ?
When people join up to the Police Force, they should be joining because they want to tell the world they want to help put society right and help catch criminals, not tell the world they are black, muslim gay or pagan - it's not an important part of the job, in fact it should play no part in the job, any job.
DT1 - by calling people stupid who agree with Littlejohn's columns, or that they come from Middle England, doesn't further your argument; I don't think I'm stupid, or from "Middle England" and some of what he'd written in that column, I do agree with.