re the request for York Street information:
York Street was very ancient.
Here is a 1940s photo :
"York Street.
In an earlier edition it was suggested that this road was named after Philip Yorke one time Town Clerk of Dover who became Lord Hardwicke and Lord Chancellor of England. Doubt has been cast upon the accuracy of this statement and the final "e" to the family's name lends it weight to the doubt. Originally the street was called Priory Lane. Then it became known as the Black Ditch because a stream there carried away the storm water from the Western Heights and the surface water from houses between the lane and Cowgate. A row of cottages there was known York Terrace long before York Street was adopted as the name for the whole length of the street. Many years ago a York Hotel stood towards the seaward end of Union Street and it seems probable that the name for both the hotel and the street derived from the fact that James Duke of York, later James II was Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports in 1683 and as such was very popular in Dover."
(from Streets and Lanes of Dover by Joyce Banks)