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Keith, Brown did one good thing, he kept us out of the Euro. Apart from that I cannot think of a single success he has had. Everything he has touched has gone wrong, largely because it was wrong headed in the first place.
I used to think he was right to give the Bank of England independence and would credit him that, but no I now know I was wrong to do so. In changing this he brought in the tri-partied regulatory system that was largely responsible for the banking crisis in the UK. In addition Brown screwed up the BoE's brief on inflation, ignoring the availability of credit, this led to interest rates being kept too low causing the unsustainable housing bubble.
You are out of date with your thinking, it is Labour now who people dont trust.
We would agree over the expenses fiacso and that is going to get worse still before the summer is out. The damage done to the body politic is very worrying. One priority is to restore peoples trust in politics and politicians but that will be a very bdifficult one to achieve. A poll in the Sunday Times today compared attitudes in 1989 to 2009. back in 1989 35% thought that politicians were mostly decent people but now it is only 17%... says it all.
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