Things have moved so quickly that I have started a new thread for it.
Notification of events to be held in the Dover District are pouring in.
The events at Walmer & Dover Castles, provided by English Heritage should now be on the website and as I looked with a DDC Officer this morning we could see events to be held at the Lydden Hill Race Circuit being entered following a meeting I had with the Managing Director for the Circuit on Tuesday.
As events come in major promoters have the opportunity to be registered and accepted to make or amend their own events.
I met with DDC ICT earlier this week and these pages are now more easy to access: - on the right hand side is a box entitled 'What's On'
Here there are a few events listed and at the bottom is an option 'All Community Events'
Click on this and you will have access to the months listed and by selection any month you will see what is on.
From major headline events to small local ones, from courses to open days, from regattas and carnivals to charity fun events - they are there and more will be added as they come in.
As I've posted before, there is now at least one event somewhere in the Dover District every weekend between the Early Spring Holiday at the begining of May and the Summer Holiday at the end of August.
We are working very close with the Town Councils and major promoters in particular and will give information and guidance to small promoters should they reauire it.
If you would like an event shown or assistance follow the steps above but don't select a month - go to the left of the page where you will see 'How to add your details' and 'Event Planning' - Contact numbers are also available.
So all is now in place for you to look up events and decide where you would like to go to enjoy yourselves and raise your 'feel good' factor - you may even see me there but don't let that put you off. I will definately go to Lydden to see some Rally Cross - the first ever Rally Cross event was held at Lydden and I went out to see it with my cousin. It'll bring back some memories of my mini driving days
Now for contacting those without computers..........