The post you are reporting:
I do agree that many young girls sole ambition is to get pregnant, then get a Council flat, more babies (doesn't matter who the father is), then work up to a house.
Let's be honest you can see them pushing prams around Town, now in pairs (of young mums), smoking, eating crisps, rolls, any kind of food really, rabbiting away on mobile phones etc. etc.
Sadly, many of these girls are like this because they have virtually dropped out; no ambition, very little education, very little prospects of finding a job - if they ever wanted to and their children will grow up thinking this is normal - and it is for them.
I don't know what the answer is, but it can't be good for them, their children, society as a whole and the cost of all this housing and benefit is astronomical now and if nothing is done, will grow even worse.
This isn't a nasty right-wing viewpoint, it's a fact of life - sadly.