Dont rack your brains anymore Howard - It is a short term for us non- following-sheep with sense of this world. It is short for 'pharmaceutical companies' who drive the whole world and control our health and our deaths in fact and make a bloody huge profit.
You should try the video which shows a life circle of mediations - Go to GP get a pill - get side effects- go to GP get a pill to treat side effects- pill gives different side effects- go to GP to get pill to stop side effects- end up with conditions for life due to PILLS! and so on and so on and so on. You end up with conditions you never had and cabinet with tons of pills.
We have for hundreds and hundreds of years had our own medicines to treat whatever ( not saying dont go to GP) but try before you decide and weigh up if things not too serious. Because at the end of the day too much evidence that there is more people in grave yards due to medicine alone or treatments. Best thing anyone can do is get a yearly blood test to see what is going on with you