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My original post was about the flu:
'Reports over the country are coming in with People having the flu (Aussie??)and some going into hospitals. However, all the schools are open at such a time as we are faced with making the matter more spreadable by the thousands! This flu from Aussie is supposed to be very very bad so why no-one taking it seriously. Lots of people shopping and sneezing and coughing and old & young (babies) breathing the air in!
Any-way if anyone knows of any one got flu and where, could you post to keep others informed. Some say it is a hoax to get the flu jab and nasal spray for young children and that the Parma's just scare mongering to get new 'treatments tested on us' so lot of people not trusting and confused or not just informed.'
My second was a child flu spray that was useless three years running in USA and I put UK?? Meaning is this flu useless also????
My posts were very serious and were of good topic. However your explanations shows you chose to not take serious have the courtesy to post in a polite manner; you know being friendly and all to a Dover resident posting. Instead you chose to ridicule and make fun of my posting which is bullying.
Jan Higgins your response 'Amberleaf, as you dislike this forum so much I am surprised you still contribute to it' I am surprised another bullying comment instead of the real issue seen, so Ill treat that with the contempt it deserves Jan. Your other comments on NHS is welcomed Jan.
Reginald Barrington you say: As for your suggestion that the pharmaceutical companies are responsible so they can test new medications on us and secretly rule the world is frankly laughable.
I live in a real world Reg and I go by what has been documented and found I gave a link to the rip of charges and how public money helping to find new medications is used by big fat 'Pharm.'s. I do read beyond the Dover Forum Reg and life is a bigger place than this forum. You may find it laughable that is your perception of the world and information, does not mean I get bullied and may fun of because of my perceptions, beliefs and information I give here. A lot of posts on Dover Forum are laughable do not see me coming in attacking people over their posts, respect for free speech and thought is what I have. So I have noted all your comments thank you.
I have watched people be bullied out of their posts and posts sabotaged so arguments break out so the post is closed by the very little group seen here so please continue. It most welcome to let those see my valid post be churned up by you all. My concerns are the people in Dover which I think this forum is dedicated to ???. I would guess every town in UK who have a forum for their town work together sharing information as seen here this is far from happening.
If you dont like people posting unless its the regular group the forum should say so not pick on people posts and cause arguments or upset.
Just a reminder to Jan about laughable post when someone burying their loved one because of the flu - Could Jan go to that funeral and make some funny or sarcastic comments that they can enjoy at a devastating time. I just dont understand some people I really do not I just hope none of catch the damn thing but if you do you may understand a little of why I made this post. And that was for people to give info on where flu is and how bad and maybe some comment sense and decent conversation.
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