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Keef, I can assure you that I do indeed worry about the NHS but have no wish to sacrifice my own well-being, and indeed longevity, on a point of principle.
Having set up the first National Health Service (total bollocks. Social Health Insurance schemes were introduced in Germany in 1883 and Norway became the first country to adopt a universal healthcare policy in 1912) which is the envy of the world (more rubbish, the funding model of which has been copied by absolutely no-one) I no longer see it as having health care outcomes comparable to other industrialised countries.
Since the last Royal Commission on the National Health Service, set up by the Wilson government in 1975 to consider the "best use and management of the financial and manpower resources of the NHS", the world has moved on in terms of computerisation, technology and communication to name but three
'Our' Health Service has not.
Over £10 billion was spent on and NHS IT system before it was abandoned, so (in my own case) my GPs computer does not speak to QEQMs computer which does not speak to my consultant's computer leaving my health care information to be accessed only once it has been sent as an e-mail attachment by the girl who only works mornings except she's been isolating at home and can't work the computer from there due to patient confidentiality (in spite of the fact that I personally know one of the chiefs of a big five UK bank and also someone who works for one of our 'sensitive' Government Departments who have both been WFH)
The NHS needs a Royal Commission to look at it root and branch.
When Jeff Bezos wanted to design a system to deliver almost anything I want at a discounted price by lunchtime tomorrow he didn't suggest that the solution was more sodding postmen and I should stand on my front step clapping them for going in to work and doing the job they'd chosen to do even if they were rushed off their arses at Christmas and couldn't we employ more postmen from abroad .........
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