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Scouser in the 'ozzie outback' here. I once worked for the NHS in the better days! This story you might find hard to believe and somewhat amazing?
I am able to access all medical services etc etc as per usual - however my Primary Health Carer [that means no beds?] is an Aboriginal Health Care Org. I won't go into the formalities but I have not only worked for some of them but have now been registered as a patient or whatever they wanna label me as for the past 8 years.
I live out of town in the bush [ so peaceful and very quiet] and when they need to provide me with more tabs in pkts of 4 wks - we call em Mypacks? - I just remind them a week before and they send out a driver to deliver them to the door.
If I need to see a doctor for any reason including removal of skin cancers again I ring them and they make an appointment for within the next few days and then send transport out for me. I can also have access to a psychologist; social worker and Aboriginal Health Care Workers who can give me injections; do skin dressings; ear washings etc.
I can still access a range of other things like audiologists ; knee surgery either by general or local at the local general hospital [ it's classifed as a regional hospital and they are dotted around the countryside with all small towns having one. ]
I do feel blessed.
Ps: my Aboriginal Health Service cannot register anymore 'whitefellas' cos they are up to maximum allowed. But for a group of peoples {Aboriginal that is} who have been marginalized and maligned for 200yrs plus and are now fighting for a "voice in parliament" I find them very noble and generous towards me?
God Save the King!!
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