The post you are reporting:
Lies, damned lies and statistics... I am sure the figures for the 70s and 80s were bumped up significantly by numerous massacres by several indigenous terror groups such as the IRA, ETA, Baader-Meinhof- and Palestinian "terrorists", involving many casualties per incident . I also imagine incidents like Lockerbie where hundreds died in a single attack explain the high figure for 1988, for example.
I can never remember a time when individuals could be randomly attacked just about anywhere by other individuals seemingly acting alone, randomly and opportunistically, usually inspired by the pseudo-state that is ISIS.
Another way of looking at the stats is that there have been more casualties caused by ISIS than from all other sources put together, globally, in the last two years than in any single year for all but one of the last 20.
Let's not get complacent - the threat from ISIS is real .
There you go, didn't need 1000 words, I don't work for the Daily Mail, and this is free of charge. ;)