With the Brexit 'negotiations' getting more fraught by the day, perhaps a change of tactics might not go amiss.
Consider this:
Population of 1,811,000, of these 899,000 regard themselves as British.
Population of Scotland 5,373,000. In the referendum there were 1,661,191 remainers.
Solution to the Ireland/EU open border fiasco and some Scottish independence demands, could be to create a united Ireland and help those with strong work ethics and British loyalties to relocate within the U.K. mainland.
Send the 'remainers' plus any others in Scotland who would prefer it, including the Holyrood self- important opportunists, to Ireland to complete the deal.
It's only a matter of time before the Calais border checks disappear too, so some serious thinking on this issue is a matter of urgency. I'm not aware of how much freight is, or will in the future, come through this port to Dover but it certainly needs addressing now.
In my simplistic world I wonder whether increased container use, rather than lorries, could be part of a solution to this which might make the border more secure and the roads less congested?
The solution for Spain's latest attempted grab of Gibraltar could possibly be solved by leasing a military base on the rock to America, for say 100 years, which would retain the attachment to the UK which a huge majority voted in favour of (99%).
I bet the Russians are relishing what they are witnessing within Europe; the infighting and the falling out of NATO members big time and also the refusal by the Germans to up their defence spending within NATO. This is happening without needing much, or indeed any, input from them!