The post you are reporting:
I must confess that I have very little time for Ms Millar (or indeed referenda).
I was reading the other day that 50% of the adult population only have the mathematical ability that one should expect of a child in the final year of primary school, so relying on the great unwashed to extrapolate on the various likely outcomes of Brexit/no-Brexit, and come to a reasoned decision one way or the other is, I suggest, a bit much to ask!
However, having had the referendum, we are where we are, and on balance I personally believe that Brexit was the better choice.
Ms Millar first came to wider public note, when she took HMG to court to ensure that the triggering of Article 50 was passed by parliament. Frankly, apart for constitutional lawyers, this was all a bit of a waste of time as the idea of NOT triggering Article 50 AFTER a referendum was unthinkable (?) - except for 114 of our MPs voted against who should hang their heads in shame - they might not like what they heard but in this case 'the people had spoken'.
Ms Millar with her latest ramblings is becoming a bit of a parody of herself, a bit like people who write in green ink to NASA asking about the Roswell incident, know that a second gunman killed JFK and saw Elvis down the chip-shop last week.
Her suspicion is that somewhere in the documents there is probably etc etc.
I also very much doubt if in her two divorces she would have given to the other party full details of her minimum demands nor information of how she was already planning a successful life ahead even if the divorce did not pan out as she planned.