Button wrote:Oh goody, that'll be productive then!
The people I feel sorry for are students, teachers and examination boards of modern history- the syllabus must be growing on a daily basis!
The schools will be different compared to what we know them as now Button. More on the lines of:
I expect the UK question will feature strongly in their exams.........
“Where was the United Kingdom situated?”
“When did they surrender their sovereignty?”
.......etc, etc.........etc.
The National Anthem will be replaced with an old Cliff Richard favourite......”Capitulation”or maybe
“A voice in the Wilderness.”
The outcome was never in any doubt with politicians employing their divide and rule techniques. The E.U. negotiator was just better at it as they soon recognised that our chief remainer was never up to the job.
P.S. Will we be allowed to celebrate Christmas this year?