howard mcsweeney1 wrote:Shrewd move from Jezza to make the big announcement in an overwhelmingly Eurosceptic part of the country.
Depends on what the announcement is?
Personally I think it might be an idea if ALL MPs started to realise that they are voting on something which will have long reaching effects on the whole country over the next 30/40 years.
I'm a bit fed up with various sides spouting rubbish about 'wanting' a Brexit which delivers 'jobs and a strong economy', everybody does, or 'what we voted for was ....... and May's Brexit does not deliver it'.
What we voted for was that the Government of the day would negotiate us leaving the EU.
They have done that.
Governments negotiate treaties and agreements daily. I don't suppose most of us would be totally happy with such as the SALT1&2 treaties on limitation of Nuclear Weapons as it isn't exactly what we wanted exactly but it seems to work mostly and it didn't involve everybody and their dog becoming an overnight expert on the nuclear equivalent of the back-stop whatever that is or isn't.
Furthermore over the next two years we are looking to the Government of the day to negotiate our trading arrangements with the EU.
Nobody is going to get their 'perfect' Brexit any more than anyone is totally satisfied with trading arrangements between us and any other trading block. Life's a compromise. Get over it everyone.