The post you are reporting:
Lib Dem conference: Leaked briefing over tax hike for 2.6m earning over £50,000 blamed on
'a cock-up on top of a mistake'
Nick Clegg was accused of planning a secret tax hike for 2.6m people today after a leaked
Liberal Democrat briefing paper suggested the party would seek to raise taxes for people earning
more than £50,000 a year.
The Lib Dem leadership disowned the plan, blaming "a cock-up on top of a mistake", after a
one-year-old statement was included in a briefing for MPs attending the party's Glasgow
conference and then accidentally emailed to journalists.
The paper, on "lines to take" in media interviews, said: "In these difficult times, it is important
that everyone makes their contribution. It is right that we ask the broadest shoulders to bear their
fair share: it is unrealistic to cut more money from welfare spending without increasing taxes on
*** Britain's richest.
"We are looking at how the richest 10 per cent of people, those earning over £50,000, could make
a further contribution. The vast majority of people in the country would consider £50,000 a very
large salary: these are not the middle income earners."
Full story Independent.