Keith Bibby wrote:Barry
You have publicly stated the economy is improving have you not.
The trade deficit has gone up to over 100 billon a year, and the national debt is going up,
we are still borrowing billons every year.
Your government's money printing has never stopped in the three years you have been in government .
With all your supposed financial experience, haw can you come up with statements like this.??
Keith you need to calm down a bit as you are making yourself look rather silly. 'supposed financial experience' LOL. Yes, well a booming business running around £20million of funds under advice within a range of bespoke portfolios I have put together and you say 'supposed' financial experience....
If you knew anything about money and economics or even if you actually read what I have been saying you would have learned something about what you speak.
I have said many times that the government has not cut spending fast or deep enough and until the deficit is balanced the debt will keep building. neither have they cut taxes enough or reformed the supply-side enough either. But nevertheless despite that Osborne has been taking us in the right direction and his medicine is working, that is quite clear from the numbers coming through. More needs to be done but improving is exactly what is happening to the economy in spite of there being more challenges ahead.