The post you are reporting:
Gary Cox
6 May 12:14
Too many genuine disabled, sick, and vulnerable people are being caught up in this Governments savage Benefit Cuts, including their inhumane Bedroom Tax.
After 5 years of hell, with too many struggling to pay their bills, being demonized by this government, receiving threats from ATOS and losing benefits that are essential for them to simply survive, our genuine benefit claimants are being persecuted and sacrificed purely for vote catching.
How many more genuine & disable people have to suffer?
How many more are going to commit suicide?
These attacks on our genuine Sick and Disabled citizens Must End Now.
ATOS has been replaced by US company "Maximus" who are being paid twice as much as ATOS, with between £590m and £650m over the next three years, for services that are already provided by our own Doctors.
Couple this with the certain death of our NHS as we know it.
We cannot let the tories back in for another 5 years?
We all want fraud wiped out but not just benefit fraud, ALL types of fraud must be challenged.
Latest Government statistics taken from website shows that benefit fraud is running at £1.5bn 2013/14 and this government is throwing what could amount to a cost of £20Billion at it, to prevent it, in a perverse claim that benefit fraud is the worse type of fraud.
However, it also shows that in 2013 "Official Error" in the benefits system, is costing the tax payer £0.7bn and yet they are doing nothing to rectify this problem, all caused by their own cutbacks in departmental staff.
In July 2012, DWP's annual report said Universal Credit's whole-life cost would be £13.85bn.
In its 2013-2014 annual report the DWP refused to reveal the whole-life cost for Universal Credit and IDS himself has continually avoided revealing the full cost to British tax payer and even more alarmingly, he has admitted that he is not going to reveal the true costs of implementing U.C. until next year, after the next election.
The Universal Credits system is a fiasco and we will never know the true cost, with many millions already been wiped out and taken from the true end cost
At least £20Billion of this cost could have saved our NHS?
In contrast Tax Fraud in 2013 was running at a cost of £14bn, yet virtually nothing is being spent by this government to stop this type fraud and with no tag being levelled at the perpetrators of this crime, we can only assume that this type of fraud is acceptable to them.
Returning this tory government into power for another 5 years will see the Death of our NHS, more benefit cuts will lead to more Deaths, more poverty, less real employment, more privatisation and more misery for a group of people who are the backbone of this country.
Do not waste your vote because you are fed up with politics, do not waste your vote because of apathy with the past.
Please vote for the Labour Party because it is your party and because it is the only party that, with the guidance of big trade unions like UNITE, RMT, ASLEF and others, who will right the wrongs of the last five years.