Oh well, Momentum it is then.
In an appealing reversal of the normal 'socialists envious of other peoples' stuff' narrative, it would seem that the Tories are happy to risk soiling their well-manicured hands by thrusting them into Momentum's grubby pockets to finger the many treasures that jingle there.
Michael Gove's assessment is that "…a few months ago people would have thought of Momentum as a group of people who were completely ideological who were being manipulated by [Momentum founder] Jon Lansman and various others, and who were a threat to democracy... I think people will change their view now… that actually Momentum brought lots of enthusiastic young people into politics, provided them with an opportunity to campaign for things in which they believed and that it also helped change the culture of the Labour party… I do think we can learn something from them."
Giles Kenningham, a former Tory director of communications, lamented that "Labour have used Momentum to devastating effect. The Tories do not have an equivalent campaigning group pushing out their message."
They should get the Curry Club onto it, or better still the Fresh Start Group, or the 92 Group, or the Conservative Way Forward Group, or the Free Enterprise Group, or the No Turning Back Group, or the Cornerstone Group, or Better Off Out, and perhaps coordinate their activities through The Freedom Association (a misnomer if ever there was one). I mean, there is no shortage of factions in the Conservative Party. Whatever they do, I'm sure it'll all be 'on the level', 'above-board' and 'up front' and only 'respectable' people who are 'above suspicion' and approved by the 'authorities' will be involved.