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    Yet someone who has probably caused more change, for good OR bad, than anyone else in UK poltics over the past quarter century.

    If only the government had put him in the House of Lords, which he deserves more than most, where he would be happy wrapped in ermine and drinking subsidised beer to the end of his days, we wouldn't have Reform and the rest of the lunatic fringe.

    Meanwhile CCSO is filling any possible winnable seat with cloned SPADs spouting the sort of rubbish that got us into this mess in the first place.

    Remember Boris' stonking majority and there being a smile on everyone's face and the idiots managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.............................?

    Frankly I'd much rather be governed by a load of Oxbridge PPEs than a load of people who would never have got into Oxbridge in the first place, or even worse, those who made it to Oxbridge and now wish to pull up that route of advancement to others.

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