ray hutstone wrote:His lockdown plans will only get through parliament tomorrow because of Labour support.
Kind of proves my point in #348, don't you think? A thin fag paper between them.
There's a genuine chance that this self-induced catastrophe will collapse the two-party gangster system: the Tories because it's now evident that 'lockdowns' are irrational, destructive, political, and so far from being based on 'the science' as to be unrecognisable as such; and Labour because it's complicit. Everyone should know this by now; and if they don't, they have their heads irresponsibly in the sand and will pay dearly for their ignorance.
Thankfully, a few genuine conservatives in what's laughingly still called the 'Conservative Party' have belatedly come out from behind their sofas and opened the curtains. These will put the Tories and Labour to shame and can hold their heads high if they vote 'nay' to the darkness.