The post you are reporting:
I find it quite amazing how a Labour leader can go behind 17 points on Boris, and all that's going on with the conservatives .
At the National level it appears that whatever your views on Israel , unless your speaking up for the Israel Govt, your a racist and suspended or kicked out.
What happened to the broad church labour says it's membership is made up of?.
Starmer often comes across as the poodle of the Govt
And business , worrying more about affecting his route to number 10 than what's best for the country .
Starmer often picks the wrong arguments to take Boris on, good example was the decoration of number of 10, whilst there should be accountability , the contracts given out to friends of the conservatives were a lot higher and yet very quiet on this, yet went into the election on the redecoration of number 10 which people won't so interested in.
The election recently didn't see Starmer on the front foot , instead all the talk was about would he hold Hartlepool , and how many seats would he hold .
Scotland , where they used to hold govt seats and be close in seats to the SNP has all but dwindled away .
I suppose lessons can be learnt from Wales and places like Manchester .
But even when you get down to the local level
Labour lost Ex mining area Mill Hill where they used to weigh the labour votes they had so many ,
And also again lost the safe labour seat of St Rads.
I think Labour needs to wake up and smell the coffee, people are changing.
Either not voting at all , or switching votes .
If you look around at election not one leaflet from the party reached us in many areas , and very little activity from any party
But quite clear the conservatives continued to vote
Whilst labour struggled .
We are not in a good position now with a one party state , and a very poor opposition ,
With Starmer looking more and more that he isn't going to carry the people