The post you are reporting:
Indeed we can differ on our view of individual cllrs
If we just look at past cllrs the most sincere I found to be of another party our sadly departed
Amelia Williamson .
Not only was she a fair chairperson , in the street she took an interest in my family , children , and it was a sincere interest in how we were.
I had a great deal of respect for her.
But getting back to the thread on the opposition party.
Over the years in opposition it has seen many cllrs come and go.
There has been good and useless amongst them.
Going back around the 80s to today
Some good guys
Steve Maxted I felt wasnt given the credit he deserved
Reg Hansell I felt was a good leader and we'll respected county cllr (if only we could say that about our present county councillors)
Geoff Howarth he was a leftie but I recall being on committees with him but council meetings started at 6pm and he had to listen to the Archers in the car before he came into chamber , thus I had to keep debate going lol
Sid Pollitt another leftie who campaigned against cuts then as vice chairperson supported the cuts!
But in the community continued to fight his own cuts he had made rather than vote against them, that his leftie friends would have expected him to do .
He did well to keto his voting away from leftie chums .
Wendy Hansell was a good past chairperson
Fair but at times firm
Although easily misguided Ben Bano was a great supporter/campaigned for those overseas .
Ian killberry I always respected, I thought he did well on research and certainly passionate on a number of subjects .
I'm sure there's more
But to the present day , we don't see any councillor any more , unless we call them .
Door knocking discontinued, I can't remember the last time I saw a candidate even at election time
That's why I say it's s long way back for labour .
Most people have rightly switched off politics , for the conservatives that's fine, they are holding seats ,
Don't look like losing any locally , for labour it's a case of regaining that trust , working all year round ,
In communities all year round , unless they start soon ,they are in danger of just becoming an opposition party back to the 80s allowing the conservatives to dominate .