The post you are reporting:
I used to go around all the schools with Clive , trying to get the youth interested in politics , showing them how politics affected them .
He was a good cllr, used to see him walking from sea front always had a chat .
That was the says the lib Dems had a following enough to elect 6 cllrs
Iv been left 10 years from political party but I still get case work .
The thing now is our present cllrs on District are clear the ward is to big (I did oppose the boundary commission and it's ideas to do away with the priory ward which they agreed but still implemented.)
So they attend the odd community meeting , but mire time at council meetings .
I did learnt when I first stood in the 80s with Jim Truelove (no longer with us )
He was to be the next chair of council ,
He told me prior to election we were the most popular in the ward and set out his plans for ward.
He didn't get in !
The chief executive told me he was to be next chair , great speaker ..
I told him it's the electorate who elect you, you can be the greatest speaker ever,. But if the locals don't want you there's a good chance you won't make it.
Back on labour though , at all levels it needs to start revisiting/being involved in communities if it wants a route back .
Strong MP material , not just slagging off conservatives , but having done kind of vision .
They won't ever win a county cllr seat in this area due to allowing and supporting boundary changes.
On district no one even knows who the one Cllr is in this area , that doesn't go well for the future .
With Labour losing Mill Hill no seat is safe for them any more , so not only do they have to hold onto the seats they should be winning easily, I can't see seats where they are likely to gain from other parties .
So it's all looking like long term opposition