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I find myself to a point agreeing with Ross(this is a worry lol)
I can only presume Labour at the top has done it's homework on moving to the left.
if they can sustain this, and how by not getting the middle England support(as Blair did) if this will be enough to see it into number 10.
The momentum issue has a lot of strands to it, no more so than how it works across the party, what I will say is I will always support making politicians accountable, something Momentum pushes, but sometimes there acts of how this is achieves fails them.
Without doubt in Folkestone with Momentum support Folkestone Labour party is out on the streets and pushing an agenda for change.
Bearing in mind Folkestone Labour didn't have a Cllr, didn't meet, membership were unable to take part in selections, or even come to branch meetings as there were none.
I recall the Dover chair some time ago stating his local party would be getting out in the communities and have learnt the lessons of the past(after losing there safest seat in st rads in the past) that was November.
I'm still waiting for this to start, and certainly as chair of alocal community association I have seen no active part of getting into this association or this community.
Labour needs to build up from it's roots in the community, the job could be then be so much easier.
Labour has to get over this lack of trust of it's policies and affordability
I hope the Momentum doesn't turn into open warfare within the party, as many people out in the communities are hurting and need change, but many are more aware now, and want to see an alternative to this Govt, not just a second rate tory party.
Although there will be an interesting bun fight locally for selection as labour's candidate, Charlie won't be taken out easily.
And i'm really surprized his party are stalling so much on his suspension that could be political suicide.
But Labour won't just walk into the Dover seat just because of the Charlie issue as some of it's activists think. People are not silly, they recall meetings in London(ask any long term railway worker) where in Westminster hall the likes of Prescott, etc prior to a general election promised to renationalise the railways(as there doing now) only to see labour gain power then go back on there word.
They also promised to sort out the NHS and the privatisation there in,
but they were also guilty of helping to privatise our NHS service.
Now, it's quite correct we shouldn't keep looking back, but many(not the few lol) won't forgive Labour for going back on it's word for whatever reason.
Many are looking for an alternative, Govt that will work for the people.
Supporting and being involved in communities.
Am I wishing to much?