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Love the name of thisgroup.
There will be two demonstrations by various groups every month in Dover, starting from April. This country is full. We cant look after our own people and Syria is not our problem. They need to clear "the jungle" and deport them all back where they came from. If they realise there is no soft touch here then they wont keep trying to come. Until then, we keep demonstrating. Oh and if you want to stop the violence, al you have to do is stop the violent left from attending on the same day. Its not rocket salad. #5w Stacey xxx
Dover Express Why Dover?
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Pie and Mash Squad
Pie and Mash Squad Obviously because it is symbolic, and its the gateway into Britain and is where the residents of the jungle have been slipping into our land unchallenged for years in the back of lorries. The Governments response was to impose fines on our lorry drivers, who every day are being threatened and having stones thrown at them. Something needs to be done and the focus of many groups is on Dover and will stay on Dover until something is done. We don't go there for violence but we wont stand there and allow ourselves to be pelted with bricks. If police want to maintain order all they have to do is remove the left wing as I said. We have a democratic right to protest.
Pie and Mash Squad
Pie and Mash Squad There are going to be flash (unanounced) demos as well by various groups. Its gonna be a long hot summer xxx
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