The post you are reporting:
When nearly 4,000,000 people voted for Ukip in the last General Election they may as well voted for the Conservatives. Cameron must indeed have been pleased that Ukip came along to split the vote. The voting system we have in this country is not democratic, nor is it fair, when you think those who vote Conservative have always voted Conservative. What UKIP did was to take the majority of Labour voters away from the Labour party. The voters who always sit on the fence; those who are mainly responsible for voting governments in, split their vote between the UKIP and the Conservatives. Hence we have a Conservative government in power and five more years of Austerity, mainly because the Labour Party under a mediocre leader had no force. Neither will they under the current crop of potential leaders, unless it is JEREMY CORBYN a man for the people. Mr Corbyn is known to be a fair and honourable man. Unlike his predecessors he does not lower himself to blatant criticism of his opponents, and has shown he is on the side of the working man and the public ownership of utilities and other past nationalised assets. WHAT he does not need in government are militant Unions who seem to strike and act, like spoilt children, when their exorbitant wage demands and leave requirements are not met. It is these greedy people who could scupper his chances. What is needed is a fair wage for a fair day's work. Also a fair vote of at least 40% or over of the membership before a strike is called. The public have suffered enough.
If the Labour electorate want to get anywhere they will need to turn out in bigger numbers at election times. And when they do, do not split the vote between the lesser parties, as then, their votes will count for nothing. The system we have at the moment will see to that. The Conservatives will vote in every election as that is the party of the wealthy, the not so wealthy, and the snobs. They see it as their duty to vote Conservative just as their fathers and grandfathers voted before them... They cannot see themselves as ordinary people, but above all others. What they have in common is that they all vote in elections for one party, whereas the people do not.
If the working man is too lazy or too apathetic to vote, or votes for a party that has no chance of getting into power, then they may as well not vote at all. But be aware there will never be a future for a working man's party unless working people do vote for the party that has their reasonable interests at heart...and vote in their millions. Nationalisation is good for Britain because the profits from publicly owned facilities can be put back into Britain to boost the NHS, the railways, and the nationalised Utilities, sold under Thatcher, and not go into the pockets of those privatised profiteers who will either take it out of the country as their own profit or invest it into offshore companies, banks, or tax havens, where it is lost to the country forever.
Make no mistake, the Blair and Brown's New-Labour government were no different from the Conservatives. The leaders were only in it for themselves, and are still only in it for themselves. The British people today are not the same as those who fought in the Second World War...the latter were made of sterner stuff. They do not have the same spirit or the willingness to fight for the values, which that brave generation believed in, or the values the working man should have by right. Even the media is different with its half-truths, blatant lies, and political affiliations, if and when it suits them.
How can the big banks own the land and the tax paying people be responsible for the losses those banks incur, except of course their CEOs, who never seem to lose. How can each and every citizen of Greece owe a debt of €30.000 to their creditors, unless it was gross or even criminal mismanagement by a corrupt government, before the last one was elected? The last government in Greece had no choice but to resign. I still believe the banks were behind that fiasco too? The European Union is not and never has been good for the British people. All that will happen is that the poorer nationals will migrate to the richer nations and destabilise them accepting wages lower than the basic British standard. Britain was brought up without Austerity. Most of the new European Union members were brought up to live on their wits and that alone will stimulate the 'Black economy to a criminal level.' All to the decrement of the British worker who has always been used to a decent living wage by law. In all fairness the basic wages of all member countries in the Union should be on par with the countries their citizens want to migrate to, before they are allowed to migrate.
I will never forgive this government for bilking the taxpayer out of billions of pounds in bailing the banks out and then selling publicly owned assets and bailed out banks back to the investors for what amounts to a huge profit for those who bought them back and a huge loss for the people who pay the taxes. Sometimes I wonder how many politicians jumped on the band wagon at such an opportunity. Something we the people will never know because the public never insist on asking for more that how apathetic we have become?
Being old is not so bad for me. At least I will not be around when Britain is nothing more than an insignificant island owned by people who do not deserve to own, or to govern it. Administered by people who seem to be in it for themselves... Maybe that's what we deserve for being so complacent when it comes to seeking a good life for all and not just for the favoured few... Will our Britain ever change for the better? At this time I very much doubt it. They say a pessimist can always see the truth; an optimist has to suffer before it is revealed to them.