The post you are reporting:
As usual, a big deal has been made out of not a lot because, quite simply, that is all the media has in their attempt to denigrate UKIP. Perhaps instead we should be asking ourselves WHY the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation chose to highlight this "incident" as a major issue and milked it for all its worth? What was their actual agenda on this oh so important issue?
Apparently, according to the chief editor of the south east tv news programme, this non story received major coverage as it was deemed to be "in the public interest". Really, not for political motives then or perhaps in the BBC`s interest as a body that has received umpteen millions in "soft" loans from the EU?
The beeb must have thought that all of their Christmas`s had come at once in order to get such a "scoop"! Third rate journalism at its best I personally would have thought.
Admittedly, in her position, Janice Atkinson should have been a bit more wary of the dangers of being "wired up", but I don`t believe for one minute that she actually meant or intended any offence to the lady concerned in what she she said.
Furthermore, the BBC have surely shown a degree of hypocrasy here? After all, it was their own comedy programme "Little Britain" that coined the phrase "Ting Tong" in the first place when referring to people from the far east. So when used in THEIR programme as a comedy that`s ok and we can all laugh, but if someone then uses that same term as a generalization of race then we are suddenly supposed to be all upset and outraged.
Am I missing something here or is this the true face of the BBC?