Not dated.
Know all men, present and future, that I, Henry le Gold, have given, granted, and by this, my present charter, have confirmed to the Master and Brethren of the Domus Dei of Dover one plot of land in the town of River, lying between the land of Peter at Lane towards the north, and the road which leads to River Church towards the south, and abuts upon the lane which leads downhill to the stream towards the west, and to the land of William at Fesighe towards the east : To have and to hold the said plot of land, with its appurtenances, to the Master and Brethren aforesaid, and their successors, freely, wholly and quietly for ever. And I, Henry, my heirs and assigns also, will warrant, acquit and defend the said plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Master and Brethren and their successors against all men for ever : However, for this gift, grant and con firmation of the present charter, the aforesaid Master and Brethren have given to me and Isabella my wife certain parcels of land as are contained in their charter, which, on that behalf, they made for us in exchange.
In testimony whereof I have confirmed this present charter with the impress of my seal.
Witnesses, Peter Corbail ; William le New ; Dunstan at Scalare ; Peter at Lane ; Absalom, son of John ; Simon del Bor ; Gerard of the Ford ; Henry Harlewin ; John Trippe ; John the Alderman ; Richard of Coulinge, clerk ; and others.
Given at Dover. *
* Although this deed is undated, the witnesses enable us to place it about this period.