XXIX. 14 August 1365

14 August 1365.

This indented charter witnesses that William de Denne, Mayor of the town of Dover, and the Jurats for the time being of the said town, with the assent of the whole community there, have granted, and at fee firm demised to Robert de Swanton and Johanna, his wife, a certain plot of land lying within the Liberty of the Port of Dover at Castle Hill, to wit between the land of John Girold to the north-west, and a certain common path leading to the Castle to the north-east, and between the land of the heirs of Adam Forbour and the land of William Sawer to the south-east, and the land of Peter Cocchere to the south-west ; to have and to hold the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Robert and Johanna, their heirs and assigns for ever, performing therefore the service of the Lord King whenever it shall arise, according to the custom of the aforesaid port : and paying therefore annually to the Mayor of the said town, for the time being, 4^. sterling of annual rent, to be paid at the Feast of Easter ; and whenever the aforesaid annual rent shall be in arrear beyond the term aforesaid for one whole year, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said town for the time being, to go in, re-enter and peacefully possess for ever for himself and his successors, the Mayors of the said town, the said plot of land with its appurtenances into whosesoever hands it shall come in the future, and the aforesaid William, the Mayor and Jurats and Commonalty aforesaid, will warrant the aforesaid plot of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid Robert and Johanna, their heirs and their assigns, in the form aforesaid against all men for ever.

In testimony whereof the seal of the Mayoralty of the said town, as well as the seal of the said Robert, are alter nately affixed to this indenture.

Given at Dover the 14th day of August, in the 39th year of the reign of King Edward, the third from the conquest.
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